🏥 Apprenticeships in Healthcare - where to find them + how to make your application stand out + different routes to take - we covered the lot!
🎬 See below for the the link to the recording and resources we talked about on the session.
Last week My Great First Job ran our first webinar on Apprenticeships in Healthcare. Navigating the NHS to understand what apprenticeships are available, which part of the country they’re in, and what experience you need to apply can be tricky. But we had a brilliant guest to steer us all through and help us find the different paths.
Our guest expert was Jo Stewart - Jo is the Apprenticeships Project Manager for the NHS in Northamptonshire.
Huge thanks to Jo for giving up her evening to share her knowledge with young people, parents and educators.
The feedback on the session was terrific,
“Your energy, expertise and guest speakers are AWESOME. Thank you so much.”
“Really informative and really useful links and resources to take away for my learners some of whom also joined the webinar thank you so much.”
Here's the link to the recording - Teachers do feel free to use this as a resource in your school or to put a link to it on eg Google Classrooms.
During the webinar we shared some resources and here's the links to those:
NHS Jobs - https://www.nhsjobs.com/
Northampton Care and Careers Academy -https://www.icnorthamptonshire.org.uk/academy
(Search your local area for similar resources in your area)
National NHS Careers Information -https://www.healthcareers.nhs.uk/
350 Careers - 1 NHS -https://www.healthcareers.nhs.uk/career-planning/resources/350-careers-one-nhs-your-future-print-ready-pdf
Medic Mentors - https://medicmentor.org/
Medical Doctor Degree Apprenticeship Info for Anglian Ruskin University -https://www.canva.com/design/DAGHXS07IUA/heKrcP7KvbEGIPzpU6RjAA/view?utm_content=DAGHXS07IUA&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=viewer#1
NOTE!!! If you are interested in applying for the next intake you'll need to register for their final open day which is next Saturday (27th July) - QR code in the booklet….but check out the info for future applications.
Springpod Online Work Experience Opportunities -https://www.springpod.com/virtual-work-experience/search?q=health
We hope you find the session useful.
And don't forget connect with My Great First Job on our social platforms where we share vacancies, info on insight days and tips on applying for Apprenticeships.
Huge thanks to South East Midlands Careers Hub for their support with this webinar.