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Ethan Makes Lemonade

Arghh! My work experience placement just cancelled on me!

Or, how Ethan took a box of lifeā€™s lemons and made the best lemonade possiblešŸ‹

Ethan is interested in marketing and had a work experience placement all fixed up with an advertising company but at the last minute it fell through.

Iā€™d given a talk in his school about Personal Branding and one example I shared encouraged young people interested in digital marketing to ask local organisations if they could help them. A great way to build up a portfolio and get some experience.

Ethan remembered this and so, with his work experience cancelled, he asked his manager at his part-time job if he could help with some marketing.

And boy did he help! šŸ‘

Ethan helped set up the Meta Business Suite covering Instagram and Facebook and designed some infographics to improve the look of the pages.

He worked with his manager on promoting posts about the business and also setting up a YouTube channel and Twitter account.

He checked out which platforms were working for the businessā€™s competitors and worked with his employer to maximise the opportunities available. What a result!!!! And what a positive attitude. šŸ˜€

Ethan took a closed door and a cancelled opportunity and turned it into an even better experience.

As our call finished, Ethan mentioned that heā€™d been told at school that he was a bit lazy. šŸ˜®

I think he just smashed šŸ‘Š that thought right out of the park!

If youā€™re a small business still figuring out your social media channels and think Ethan could lend you a hand drop me a message, or leave a comment and Iā€™ll put you in touch with him.

Thanks to @aspire_higher_he for funding the session at Ethanā€™s school that got the ball, or rather the lemon šŸ‹, rolling.


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